[ESSAY COMPETITION] Islamic Youth : Pioneers of Real Change to Build Nation

Desember 24, 2017

"Every time I face big problems, of course I call immediately is a young child"
(Umar bin Khattab R.A)

    Youth is the most important-post or golden period for everyone to prepare the best things that will be enjoyed in the old days. Especially in globalization era, a variety of modern communication tools make more free for youth access data, such as internet, mobile phones, television and so forth. Thus, a variety of cultures and entertainment around the world were able to enjoyed. In the end, it will affects their character and mindset.
    Facing these challenges, an Islamic youth is required to be proactive and productive. To realize that, the youth has two roles that is responsible for themselves and contribute to the social community. As the youth, need a total ethical re-orientation. Firstly, youth has to really see themselves as part of the problem. Secondly, youth need to be sincere in the dealings and constantly has to remind themselves that for everything do will a record kept with Allah for accountability.
    In addition, an Islamic youth should stand firm in the values of truth. Youth has to be very vocal, vociferous and define what principles their uphold. So, youth can speak up, stand up, and take action for the truth where ever they are and people will dare not approach their with any corrupt mindset, which in essence will provide a buffer zone between youth and corrupt people. Youth has to inculcate within their bosom the spirit of change.
    In the golden days of youth, it is necessary to instill good habits in order to become a positive culture in youth. The life of a youth is like a young plant, at that tender age attitudes and habits are malleable, so youth could adjust it how they want it.
In general, there are some things that need to be considered in changing the mindset and behavior of youth today, including:
1. Inspiration. In the science of da'wah, one of the best ways of preaching is by qudwah hasanah or good example. If youths are able to imitate one of the figures owned in the nation, so the nation will not experience difficulties in the future because there will always be regeneration of these figures.
2. Motivation. One of the driving force of a person can be more advanced in all aspects of the existence of motivation or advice to support every step he took. When someone is no longer motivated, then the dynamics he does will falter, even stop. Positive things will never happen, except with the interaction with each other.
3. Maturity. Need to be underlined, maturity is an attitude of someone who has been able to distinguish between truth and ugliness, able to use the heart and common sense in deciding a case and be able to guide himself to stay on the rails that should be or independent.
4. Leadership. Learning about leadership must be trained periodically and sustainably. One of them, with frequent meetings such as youth conference. It can makes a youth able to flourish outside the comfort zone and thinking 'out of the box'.
5. Learn for getting knowledge. Seeking knowledge is very important in the society and the Muslims. By understanding knowledge, society will find an understanding and truth.
6. Community. It is very important for the youth because it is able to sharpen the rhetoric in expressing opinions, exercising patience and great heart when youth opinion contradicts the opinions of others or when rejected, sharpen critical power and social sensitivity. If the youth has chosen his community according to his interests and talents, then any activity and however he will be happy to do. Like Uncle Sam's advice, "do what you love, love what you do".
    Based on some of the points above, Islamic youth has tremendous potential to be the main pioneers in bringing change to a better direction, especially the morale of youth and generally the morale of Indonesian society. With a morality based on Al-Quran, Islamic youth will understand how to solve problems experienced by other youths.
(Tulisan ini diikutsertakan dalam Essay Competition di ajang International Conference On Islamic Youth Leader yang diselenggarakan pada 06 Desember 2017 di Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara dan berhasil mendapatkan Juara 1 Essay Competition)

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