International Essay Contest 2015 for Young People "Building Peace in Our Hearts and Minds"
Agustus 11, 2015
Theme “ Building Peace
in Our Hearts and Minds”
-Build Future, Build
Nations, Create Passion of Peace-
Author : Rizka Gusti Anggraini
Nationality : Indonesian
City, Province :
Medan-North Sumatera, Indonesia
Category : Youth
Age (as June 15
2015) : 18 Years Old
Future, Build Nations, Create Passion of Peace
Minds determine
our lives because human is what they think. Maybe it is the beginning of what I
can tell in this regard. Mind is the leader or the forerunner of all the
action. Our actions are a direct result of what is in our minds. If we have
negative thoughts, our actions will also be negative so that we will have a
negative life too. Conversely, if we have positive thoughts, our actions will
be positive so that we will have a glorious life. For example, a tree is known
by its fruit. It also applies to our lives as normal human beings. Good minds
and noble will produce glorious life. Before our minds positive, our lives
would not lead to it.
Generally, there
are two types of people, those who are fixed and growth people. Fixed people are
the ones who feel they've been successful, rich and comfortable in his life.
They consider their own perfect life and they do not want anything else,
thinking like that is very dangerous for the survival of their future lives. I
will make the illustrations that will help the reader to understand what I
mean. See people who become passengers of public transport. Most of them even
to sleep calmly. Because they already know the routes that will be passed by
the public transportation so that they are sure that they will not get lost. In
fact, they will wake up by itself when public transportation is approaching a
stopping them. They passed as a routine that will not change. This fixed
mindset will hinder the progress of the quality of their lives. People like
this will only see other people go forward and get better without taking part
in it. What should be done to get things better is to work on that. Try our
lives tomorrow better than today.
The second type
is growth people. Who are included in this group are people who want to follow
the direction of change. They have the mindset that developed according to the
needs and ages. They realize that success should be pursued. The success did
not come one time in their lives. The success came many times because they are
constantly working on it. I go back to the illustration of public transport
passengers. We refer to different situations. One day, they ride public
transport should take another route for any reason, then the passengers of
public transport looks more alert. Instead of sleeping, blinking was probably
inevitable because they have to concentrate on the new route. Hard thinking
will stimulate brain cells to respond, it is much needed in this ever-changing
world. Responsive to change is something that will greatly influence the
success of a person. Coming to terms with the mind can make us into people who
quickly gained success. Because mindset will influence our actions.
After we talked
about the mind, there is one important thing that we have our own balance and
should be able to make peace with it. It is heart. Without us knowing, our mood
in everyday life will be greatly affected by the atmosphere that we wake up
when start the day, ie mornings. I have often noticed, when morning begins with
a jovial atmosphere, then it will follow us at noon, afternoon, and evening.
Not surprisingly, the motivator is often said "good morning" even
though we know very well when it was evening. Because they want us to believe
that the morning is the time that light spirit formed, while still a very long
time for us to do the activity. When we expect something good, in fact the
whole universe will unite to help us to make it happen. Most importantly, when
we dropped, we had to bounce back. Because the true value of a man is not how
to behave in times of fun, but the way he acted at times difficult and
challenging. Thus, peace with our minds and hearts. With it, we will no longer
fear anywhere. Being personally targeted, build a future, beneficial to others,
to build our country each and desire to create peace within ourselves.
3 komentar
Disaat tulisanku hanyalah curhatan dan opini yang benar-benar "mentah". Rizka ini sudah bisa nulis yang ginian. Proud of you, dek!
BalasHapusMari kita buat "mentah" menjadi "matang". Ketika curhatan yang abang tulis bisa berbicara dan menjadi bagian dekat dengan pembaca, itu sama hal dikatakan "proud of you, bang!". Ketika menulis, biarkan jiwa yang mengaduk, pikiran yang mengolah dan tangan yang menggores. Tulisan akan hidup, karena jiwa ada di dalamnya. Be brave, bro!
HapusSubhanallah, keren banget, asli! Bahasa Inggrisnya, topiknya, cara kamu menuliskannya, benar benar berbobot, Riz!
BalasHapusBelajar banyak darimu, di umur yang muda, kamu sudah menjadi penulis yang luar biasa!